Remembering Uncle Roger

“The deep pain we feel when a loved one is lost is of an unimaginable weight. 

We carry this weight with us 

through the rest of our lives, 

never setting it down, 

never feeling it lifted off our shoulders.
 Alone, this weight is unbearable, 


with the help and support of those close to us–

we learn to carry it together. 
While we may not be with him, 

he will always be with us. 

Everyday he will be listening in from above, 

even the days that you may be in doubt and think he isn’t. 

Roger was someone who was always there to listen to you, 

and he still is today. 

Whether you were his family, 

his friend, 

his neighbor, 

everyone loved him, 

and he loved everyone. 

Today we continue to embrace that love, 

to let it fill our lives as it did his. 

For as long as we continue to feel his love, to spread it to our friends, 

our families, 

and our neighbors, 

we will be able to live a happy life 

knowing that such a loving spirit 

will continue to live on eternally.”

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Maverick says:

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  2. sjgreen22 says:

    Thank You, Thank You and Thank You!
    Perfectly written my dear nephew, as well as Perfectly read my dear sister. In addition Perfect comments from followers/friends.
    Not a day goes by that I do not think about him and shed a few tears…Roger is with me and is still guiding me each day.
    Your siblings are your first friends, he being #1 and I #4 put 8 years between us. But Thankfully after 5 Decades and 3 States apart, we stayed in touch almost Daily and he was Always there for me. Just a phone call away but that was just fine. Because it did the job just perfectly…Roger was a perfect brother and the kindest one any little sister could have ever been blessed with. In our 51 year friendship, I do not recall us ever having any real bad disagreement or exchanging of mean words. Guessing that was the ‘Gemini’s in us, #1 & #2.
    Rest In Peace Big Brother. I certainly do love and miss you!
    Until next time…❤️,💭’s and 🙏🏻’s Xo’s

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 3rdnlong says:

    Thank you my youngest son wrote that just before his memorial service and I had the pleasure of reading it during the service.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Ron says:

    Even though I never met Roger in person I felt like he was a good friend. However, I have had the good fortune to meet the two previous commentors in person and I can assure you that Roger has some fine folks as friends. Rest In Peace dear Roger.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. You share his love. Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Urspo says:

    Well said
    As long as there is Love people are always Present.

    Liked by 2 people